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Owl Class

Welcome to Owl Class.

Our names are Mrs Stockdale and Mrs Colvin and we are the KS1 Teachers.

Children in KS1 develop the ability to be increasingly independent in their learning. Their class work follows the National Curriculum.



In English, each day, the children are engaged in a variety of structured ability grouped learning experiences. They learn to write in response to a range of texts which include: recounts, poetry, instructions, narratives and information reports.

A daily focus on phonemic blending, spelling, reading, writing, grammar, speaking and listening is given.

In Mathematics, we continue to work through focus areas relating to the curriculum in a variety of fun and engaging activities. We use the Interactive Whiteboard, games and structured learning time to consolidate our knowledge of concepts taught. 

In Science, Geography and History we work with a topic focus, provided us with opportunities to research and learn about a variety of interests which we really enjoy.

We take part in PE every week, and really enjoy going to sports festivals.


We also enjoy working with our music specialist and our very own Chef, who leads us in cooking culinary delights!



In Art we are learning about various artists. We examine the techniques used and sometimes make our very own interpretations of different works of art.

Our Design and Technology units of work have given us opportunities to design and make a range of objects and to work in 3D with different materials.